Nov 12, 2010

Reaching Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in HIV/AIDS: Experience from Malawi. 千禧年發展目標—對抗愛滋病毒/愛滋病 馬拉威的經歷

On November 12, 2010, within the framework of the “Global Health in practice” Forums, Dr. Solomon CHEN from Pingtung Christian Hospital gave a unique lecture entitled ‘Reaching Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in HIV/AIDS: Experience from Malawi " at Taipei Medical University.

After presenting the MDGs and notably those related to health and short presentation of the socio-political situation of Malawi, he gave to the audience an overview of the HIV/AIDS situation in that country: 930,000 people infected, 10,000 new orphans every year and 200,000 people who need ART. He then presented the role of the Pingtung hospital and the Taiwanese team in Malawi and notably the Rainbow ARV clinic situated in Mzuzu Hospital, HIV nutrition program and the Traditional Birth attendance project.

He also used the opportunity to present his research on “Risk factors for early mortality in children on adult-fixed dose combination ART in Malawi” and “the true outcomes for patients on ART who are ‘lost to follow-up’ in Malawi”.
Finally, he presented a new project of identification of health facilities with GPS

Dr. Solomon CHEN's lecture:

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