
"Women & Global Health” Exhibition
Taipei Medical University
Sept. 28th-Oct.30, 2010

On September 28, 2010, TMU Healthcare System in cooperation with Aurora Asia Breast Center launched their “Women & Global Health” Exhibition.

Through this unique exhibition which is free and open to the public, the organizers hoped to give an overview of two main issues related to women’s health: women’s contributions to global health and the persisting challenges for women’s health in the world

1)          Women’s contributions to global health
Today, it is widely recognized that women’s contributions to health at the local, national and regional levels have had a tremendous impact. Courageously, women have worked long and hard to succeed even where they were initially unwelcome using their persistence, ingenuity, patience and ability to advance into areas crucial for the improvement of global health. Bringing fresh perspectives to medicine, health care and research, their influence reaches across the professions out into our lives, redefining women's roles and responsibilities within our societies. As a result, in changing the face of health care, medicine and research, women are changing our world.
Through the portraits of 10 outstanding women, this exhibition aims to illustrate and celebrate women’s central role in global health.

2) Persisting challenges for women’s health in the world
Issues related to women’s health have reached higher global visibility and political commitments have been renewed in recent years (Millennium Development Goals, Africa’s Maputo Plan, Stockholm Call to Action, etc). While improvements have been made around the world to enable many women to lead healthier lives, significant gender-based health disparities remain in many countries. 

Links to the Opening Ceremony webpage: