
Workshop on “Challenges for Women’s Health in the World Today
Sept. 28th, 2010
TMU, Taiwan 

In the context of its “Women & Global Health” Series, Taipei Medical University (TMU) organized a Workshop on "Challenges for Women's health in the World Today" on September 28, 2010 which was moderated by Dr. Shu-Chuan TSENG, Wan Fang Hospital and Dr. Khandregzen DORJSUREN, Taipei Medical University.
This workshop was open with an opening remark of Prof. Chii-Ruey TZENG, Dean of Medical College, TMU on focusing on Health problem in human reproduction.
Then three presentations highlighting women’s health challenges in the world today were presented to an audience composed of professors, health care professionals as well as local and foreign students.
The first presentation was made by Prof. Li-yin CHIEN, Institute of Clinical & Community Health Nursing, National Yang-Ming University, focused on Maternal health challenges. Then the Inequities and women’s health in Haiti were presented by Dr. Nadjy JOSEPH, Institute of Health Care Administration, TMU. Finally, Prof. Nai-Ying KO, Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University gave a lecture on Women and HIV/AIDS.


Acute and Protracted Radiation Biodose Studies and International Networking System 

TMU, Taiwan, Feb. 4th, 2010

In cooperation with the Tzu-Chi University School of Medicine and with the support of the Atomic Energy Council, National Science Council and the Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine, TMU Department of Public Health and Nutrition has hosted an International conference on “Acute and Protracted Radiation Biodose Studies and International Networking System” on February 4th, 2010. Among the speakers were Dr. David Lloyd, Director of the Radiation Protection Department of the Health Protection Agency (UK), Dr. Mitsuaki Yoshida , from the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (Japan), Pr. Hung-Yi Chiou, Dean of the College of Public Health and Nutrition (TMU) and Pr. Peter Chang (TMU), as well as Professors from Tzu Chi University, National Taiwan University and experts from the Atomic Energy Council. The open discussion was very constructive and friendly and has helped to enhance our national radiation biodose research.

本校由公共衛生與營養學院與慈濟大學合辦的"國際急性與長期輻射生物劑量研究與國際合作網絡研討會", 經行政院原子能委員會與國科會補助, 24於本校舉行,  由英國國家健康保護局(Health Protection Agency; HPA)的輻射防護部門細胞遺傳學教授 Dr. David Lloyd, 日本科技部國家輻射科學研究所(National Institute of Radiological Sciences; NIRS)輻射劑量部主任Mitsuaki Yoshida, 本校公共衛生與營養學院邱弘毅院長, 張武修教授, 以及慈濟大學與核能研究所多位專家亦出席並演講, 會議討論熱烈, 並對國內輻射生物劑量之研究將有極大幫助. 
