
International Conference Report (2)

"New challenges for University Education and Health Research in a Globalized World: Sharing International Experiences and Responses"
Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan
May 31st, 2010

On May 31st, 2010, Taipei Medical University (TMU) organized for its 50th anniversary an International Conference on “New Challenges for University Education and Health Research in a Globalized World”, bringing together a broad range of speakers and participants from Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. The key aims of this unique event was to share experiences on University education in a changing global context, on global health and education, on health research, decision-making and innovative implementation as well as on health and global environmental issues.

Important messages running throughout the conference included the idea that Universities all around the world have to continue to play a key role in preparing our societies to respond to the main challenges of Global Health ; the acknowledgment that Universities act as major centers of training for the next generation of health leaders and professionals and are central in the identification of the relevant competencies and appropriate attitudes required for the improvement of Global Health ; the emphasize that universities also offer to the young generation the tools to perform leadership in the public health arena, to advocate equity and social justice with evidence to support that health is central to development, and to develop policy skills to build sustainable health systems.

Specifically in relation to the issue of health research, there was a clear message that
Universities are essential actors to encourage innovation and to promote excellence in health and medical research. In this vast domain, their motivated research teams create health knowledge, methods and technologies translatable into real applications in order to address with more efficiency the health concerns and disease burden of our populations and economies.

Specific expectations included the increasing of the efforts to mobilize faculties and universities to take a leading role in Global Health and to provide know-how in order to contribute to make universities the vanguards of change in Global Health development. Finally, while it was generally recognized that many challenges in University education and health research were ahead, speakers and participants underlined that sharing experiences and making efforts to mutually strengthen our scientific and academic linkages will be beneficial to respond to these challenges.

To download the full report of this forum, please click here:

International Conference Report (1) 

1st Open Forum on Health in Africa. Health Systems Strengthening through Evidence-based Research and ICT in Africa"
Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan.

On October 26th, 2010, Taipei Medical University (TMU) in cooperation with Great Lakes University of Kisumu (GLUK), Kenya, the University of Gambia and the Pingtung Christian Hospital, Taiwan organized the 1st Open Forum on Health in Africa in Taiwan.

For its first round, this forum concentrated on health systems strengthening through evidence-based research and ICT in Africa through three main sessions:

1)      The role of research in the improvement of health systems in Africa
2)      The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the implementation of health care services in Africa, and
3)      Local and international partnerships for health systems strengthening in Africa.