Nov 19, 2010

Cultural competence and Literacy 文化地位和素養

On November 19, 2010, within the framework of the “Global Health in practice” Forums, Prof. Val CRAWFORD, Visiting Professor, TMU gave a unique lecture entitled ‘Cultural competence and Literacy, " at Taipei Medical University.

In her presentation, Prof. Crawford underlined what we need to learn from cultural incompetence and illiteracy and remind that cultural competence and literacy meant performing adequately in one’s linguistic environment. She notably explained how we need to be humbled in communicative contexts to understand and teach others who are illiterate in our professional worlds.
Finally she advised Taiwan to have better English if it wants to serve as Asia’s Switzerland: a place where the region’s business gets done smoothly, safely and reliably in several global languages.

She then opened the floor to the audience to let the participants share about their own situation in terms of linguistic environment challenges and to make comments and ask questions.

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