Nov 26, 2010

Missionaries and the improvement of access to health 傳教士與促進改善衛生

On November 26, 2010, within the framework of the “Global Health in practice” Forums, Fr. Pierrot ANTHONY, St Joseph Hospital, Huwei, Taiwan gave a unique lecture entitled ‘Missionaries and the improvement of access to health " at Taipei Medical University.

Medical work is part of religion’s marching order to “love our neighbor,” Father Anthony began his talk, which was richly illustrated by photographic slides. His mission site for 56 of his 80 years has grown from a half-finished factory building to a massive complex of 700 staff and almost 600 beds to provide care. Yunlin was a rather isolated area in central Taiwan when he arrived, with no paved roads for the farmers and fishermen who lived there. Industry in the area was limited to sugar, cement and fertilizer factories. The buffalo were the true engines of commerce, the priest said, and after school the farm kids had to take them to where they could graze. Even the mission’s movies and projector travelled by buffalo cart! Water was pumped by hand, and young girls had to care for younger siblings, with even small girls carrying babies tied on their backs as they tried to get away from the housework to play like the boys did.“Planting rice is hard work,” Father Anthony said, showing photos of the hand planting and threshing, which was accomplished by vigorously shaking sheaves of rice in a barrel till the grains fell off.

For the full story, please go to:

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