Dec 17, 2010

Industrial Diseases: a global health concern工業病:全球衛生關注的議題

On December 17, 2010, we welcomed Dr. Paul Jobin, Director of the French Center for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC in French!), Taipei Office. Dr. Jobin gave a lecture on "Industrial Diseases: A Global health concern".

In his presentation, after having explained what the definition of "industrial diseases" was, Dr. Jobin showed how the activities of industries could have a deep impact on publich health at the local levels.
To illustrate his point, he choose two main examples: 1) Minamata mercury pollution case in Japan, and 2) the Asbestos issue in several countries (Canada, France, China, Russia, India,..).

Underlining what have been -are - the health consequences of these cases, he also underlined how social and labor movements were key actors able to put these issues on the national and global agenda and how they acted to defend the victims of these industrial diseases.

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