Oct 29, 2010

From Humanitarian Assistance to Global Advocacy: International Campaign to Ban Landmines—Voice for Landmine Survivors 國際禁止地雷運動和康復的地雷受害者

In the framework of the “Global Health in practice” Forums, on October 29, 2010, Mrs. Serena CHANG, Manager of the International Campaign to ban Landmines, Eden Foundation will give a lecture on “From Humanitarian Assistance to Global Advocacy: International Campaign to Ban Landmines—Voice for Landmine Survivors”.

In her presentation, Ms. Chang introduced the global problem of anti-personnel landmines and the challenges that landmine survivors are facing today. A 20-minute documentary on survivor assistance in Afghanistan was screened.

The screening was followed by a presentation on the work of ICBL (International Campaign to Ban Landmines) as a voice for landmine survivors to end the global landmine epidemic. The success of ICBL’s global advocacy created a new international norm, and was recognized with Noble Peace Prize in 1997.

The presentation also discussed how a local NGO, Eden Social Welfare Foundation, participates in a global humanitarian movement by providing humanitarian aid and advocating the issue.

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